Randy was born at 12:29 am on New Year's Day in 1993. He was a little over 3 weeks early so you can imagine our surprise! He was the first baby born in that hospital that year and the first actually born on the 1st in like 4 or 5 years so we got a lot of attention!! He was born on a Military post as well so...I remember just getting settled in my room and trying to rest and the nurses coming in and saying, "You may want to get up and shower the General will be here at 10 to see you and the baby!" We were pretty famous for a few days! We even made the front page of the paper there! I only stayed in the hospital for that night and then I just wanted to get home to our other little one as well.
I feel so blessed to be Randy's Mom. He is such a great kid and quickly becoming a man! YUCK!!! He has goals and plans he has set for himself. I can't wait to see what God has planned for him. I know he will so something great in his life. He is looking forward to being a big brother. He has wanted a brother for a long time! The girls have even said that he can be the first to hold our little guy when we arrive home! We all are reminded (by him) how long He has waited for a brother! :)
Tifanie holding Randy the day we came home from the hospital on Jan. 2nd 1993!

Randy last year at a winter survival campout. He was sleeping inside an igloo he and some friends made.
Randy with Tifanie.
Christmas 2008...goofing around!
I hope you all have a wonderful 2009 filled with many blessings!
God Bless~
1 comment:
what were you doing up so early mom! ugh your a freak =P i was reading your blogs like the night owl i am..i am up at 300 am..and i have come to the conclusion that you are:
1) cheesy as all get out
2)very conservative
3) an awesome mom
4)so clearly new to this blogging thing..
well i really only commented on yours so you had mine so yeah
how do you put pictures on here =p
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