Friday, January 8, 2010


YES...I have officially now lost my mind!!!! maybe not quite. I have washed the first load of Elijah's things. (Not the ones I promised I wouldn't but the others) Those little socks are killing me! SO SWEET- I can not ever rememebr my kiddos having such small little feet. Oh, I know they did-really smaller- but oh my, I am lost in babyland right now just folding his laundry. I can not imagine how I will be when he is sitting her with me. I will never get my list done again! YIKES...
Today I did get to the store and have done some laundry and picked up the house some. I really need to clean the kitchen floor but I clean it and then the pups need to go outside and they track the snow right back in with them. Never ending cycle.
I am having a bit of a girls night tonight. Two of my best buds and my oldest daughter Tifanie (I think) are coming over for dinner and a movie! I will turn off my computer and enjoy their company! Now I MUST repeat this ten times!! So I will actually do it. :) By the way, Em will be here, also, but my hope is that she will want to be on the computer or playing her new PS2 games that she will be too busy for us. We shall see.

Please continue to pray for all of those waiting people! We all seem to be waiting on something, right.

Have a wonderful weekend!
***On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.
Psalm 138:3

1 comment:

Sam's mom said...

Sammy's feet were SO small when we got to Eth. At 10 mos he work size 2 shoes (I only brought 3 & 4), which according to the "charts" are for 3-6 month olds. He is now wearing size 3...the same size his 5 month old cousin wears!