I rode with my cousin and sister in law to my sister's house. We got there about 9 and then we all ate. We hung out and talked until 330am but then I was sharing a bed with my sister so we were up talking for another hour. I am a girl who is in bed by 11 at the very latest every night. SO...BUT I like my routine so was up at 8 am the next morning. My mom was already up and had gone for her walk and was reading by the pool. As everyone began waking up we decided it was warm enough to get into the pool for a bit. SO...we hung out for a bit. After a brief shopping trip we came home and had some food. (DON'T YOU KNOW IT IS ALL ABOUT THE YUMMY FOOD!) Then as we finished eating and began visiting we decided it was time for some true PRAYER WARRIOR SISTER time.
What a wonderful blessing to sit around the table sharing things with my sisters. I know they are lifting me and my family up in prayer. I feel so blessed to know that when I have a need all I have to do is send an email and I know there are several ladies praying. When there are those times when I don't think I can beg God another minute for our little guy or anything else...I know these ladies will stand in the gap for me! What a wonderful gift! We spent several hours sitting around that table sharing...crying...laughing...praising and praying.
Sunday came and we headed to service at Cindy's Church. We were all assured that God himself was there the day before listening to each and every one of us. I think by the end of the service we all had goosebumps and were looking at each other in amazement! I left my sister's exhausted...but my cup was running over.
I only have a few pics because I forgot my camera and these are ones my sister sent. The bad thing is she is not in the group photo because she was taking it! BOO My cousin did take pics also so maybe soon I will have more to post.

**MY PRAYER WARRIOR SISTERS!**This group is made up of friends,aunts,cousins,moms,and sisters!

May you all have such a wonderful group of PWS's.
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