Thursday, April 22, 2010


We had our first post placement visit yesterday. We LOVE our caseworker! She was so excited to see Elijah and we talked about how God had worked in our situation through Vietnam and then on to Ethiopia. Elijah took right to her. Then he got down and did some showing off for her. She was surprised at all he was doing and how happy he is. It is nice to hear from her how well he is attaching to us. We got to praise the HOH staff and all they did for us and share stories about the wonderful families that we were blessed to travel with. I also shared about a few I have never met but that I pray for often!
THEN...Our visit got cut short!
Emilie got home and visited for a few minutes then headed outside to play with her friends. While we were visiting the doorbell rang and I sent Randy (our son) to answer it. He went outside and about 10 minutes later walked in with Emilie and said...I think you better take her to the ER it looks like she broke her wrist. Don is so laid back and the type to say "just rub a little dirt on it and it will be fine." BUT as we both looked at it we KNEW it was broke. SO...we finished up what she needed really quickly.
Thankfully, Randy stayed with Elijah and then our daughter came over to help him. And Don and I headed to Urgent Care. There we found out that she had 2 breaks. One was small and the other bigger. UC could not set so we had to go to the Hospital. They sedated her and then set it and she is now sporting an ugly white cast up to her shoulder. We are hoping that it stays set so that she will not need surgery to have pins placed. We should know that in a week or so. She is the toughest little thing I have ever seen. She really never cried over any of it. She would say OUCH but never any more than that. I am amazed at her. If it had been me I would have been a mess!
I will try to get a pic of her but today she is trying to get used to the cast and is in a bit of pain. Please keep her in your prayers. We are hoping she is not in this cast during our vacation to the lake in mid June.

Hope you all have a great day.

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