It has been 5 weeks since we first saw our little guy. We are still waiting on a court date and praying it will come soon. We know that God is in control and we have faith that in His time we will be with our baby boy. **still praying for a Christmas Miracle!**
There is not much going on this weekend. Don has Guard and we have a dinner at Church but not much else. We are going trick or treating on Saturday with Emilie and Heidi. That will be fun!! those who passed court today! GOD IS GOOD!!
Have a blessed weekend,
***Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23
After 3 years of "waiting" we are now on a new journey to raise our little guy. I hope you enjoy reading about our life with this precious little guy! ***And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Nothing about your day is being wasted. You are in God's capable, loving, skillful hands, and you are living under His constant watch-care. He knows how to perfectly prepare you for what He has ahead.
The way my days have been lately...I am wondering what I am being prepared for!!???
Hope you have a very blessed day,
The way my days have been lately...I am wondering what I am being prepared for!!???
Hope you have a very blessed day,
Monday, October 26, 2009
My devotion for today...
HE told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business." Acts 1:7
If you sincerely seek to be a woman of faith, then you must learn to trust God's timing. You will be sorely tempted, however, to do otherwise. Because you are a fallible human being, you are impatient for things to happen. But, God knows better.
God has created a world that unfolds according to HIS own timetable, not ours...thank goodness! We mortals might make a terrible mess of things. God does not.
God's plan does not always happen in the way that we would like or at the time of our own choosing. Our task- as believing Christians who trust in a benevolent, all-knowing Father- is to wait patiently for God to reveal Himself. And reveal Himself He will. ALWAYS. But until God's perfect plan is made known, we must walk in faith and never lose hope. And we must continue to trust HIM. ALWAYS. we continue to wait for a court date and then wait to travel to get our little guy, I will trust in God's perfect timing. It will not be easy. I look at his picture and I want him NOW...but I know that God has a perfect plan for when we meet our son face to face and it will be the most perfect memory!! That I am assured of.
I hope as you continue to wait you will be assured that God already knows when it will all unfold and it will bless you more than you ever thought it would.
Have a blessed Monday. I am praying for more court dates and referrals!
***Lord, my sense of timing is fallible and imperfect; YOURS is not. Let me trust in YOUR timetable for my life, and give me the patience and the wisdom to trust YOUR plans, not my own. AMEN
HE told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business." Acts 1:7
If you sincerely seek to be a woman of faith, then you must learn to trust God's timing. You will be sorely tempted, however, to do otherwise. Because you are a fallible human being, you are impatient for things to happen. But, God knows better.
God has created a world that unfolds according to HIS own timetable, not ours...thank goodness! We mortals might make a terrible mess of things. God does not.
God's plan does not always happen in the way that we would like or at the time of our own choosing. Our task- as believing Christians who trust in a benevolent, all-knowing Father- is to wait patiently for God to reveal Himself. And reveal Himself He will. ALWAYS. But until God's perfect plan is made known, we must walk in faith and never lose hope. And we must continue to trust HIM. ALWAYS. we continue to wait for a court date and then wait to travel to get our little guy, I will trust in God's perfect timing. It will not be easy. I look at his picture and I want him NOW...but I know that God has a perfect plan for when we meet our son face to face and it will be the most perfect memory!! That I am assured of.
I hope as you continue to wait you will be assured that God already knows when it will all unfold and it will bless you more than you ever thought it would.
Have a blessed Monday. I am praying for more court dates and referrals!
***Lord, my sense of timing is fallible and imperfect; YOURS is not. Let me trust in YOUR timetable for my life, and give me the patience and the wisdom to trust YOUR plans, not my own. AMEN
Thursday, October 22, 2009
4 WEEKS...
4 Weeks ago we saw our little guy for the very first time. I can't believe it has been almost a month already. I still look at his picture and just thank God for him. The fun we are going to have with him...
We are still waiting for our court date...but good news...3 families got court dates the beginning of this week and one family's date is TOMORROW!! I am praying very hard for them to pass court...they have offered to take pictures of little guy for us. I can't wait to see how much he has grown or changed in the last month. SO EXCITED!!!
I feel like I have lost my groove, though. I had the flu bug last week and have had this lingering headache off and on since then. SO...I have gotten out of my routine and haven't gotten things done like I usually do. I dusted my living room this morning and was quite embarrassed at the dust!! I need to just make myself get back to normal!! I have kept up with the laundry but that is my big pet peeve so I usually don't let it get far behind.
This week we had to take Randy to the dentist...we were worried about the most of you know we are penny pinching right now! Thankfully, it did not cost much. They decided to pull it that day and now poor Randy is in pain but getting better. Also...we were a bit nervous about Don's job. They were doing some moving around and that would mean things would change for us financially as well. BUT God was gracious to us and he is staying put. We are very thankful that HE heard our prayers and answered them for us!
This weekend plans are...spend some time with our church family and hang out at home!! :)
I am praying for passing court dates...MORE court dates... & MORE referrals!!
Hope you all have a blessed weekend,
***Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1Timothy 4:12
We are still waiting for our court date...but good news...3 families got court dates the beginning of this week and one family's date is TOMORROW!! I am praying very hard for them to pass court...they have offered to take pictures of little guy for us. I can't wait to see how much he has grown or changed in the last month. SO EXCITED!!!
I feel like I have lost my groove, though. I had the flu bug last week and have had this lingering headache off and on since then. SO...I have gotten out of my routine and haven't gotten things done like I usually do. I dusted my living room this morning and was quite embarrassed at the dust!! I need to just make myself get back to normal!! I have kept up with the laundry but that is my big pet peeve so I usually don't let it get far behind.
This week we had to take Randy to the dentist...we were worried about the most of you know we are penny pinching right now! Thankfully, it did not cost much. They decided to pull it that day and now poor Randy is in pain but getting better. Also...we were a bit nervous about Don's job. They were doing some moving around and that would mean things would change for us financially as well. BUT God was gracious to us and he is staying put. We are very thankful that HE heard our prayers and answered them for us!
This weekend plans are...spend some time with our church family and hang out at home!! :)
I am praying for passing court dates...MORE court dates... & MORE referrals!!
Hope you all have a blessed weekend,
***Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1Timothy 4:12
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Emilie is our 11 yr old daughter and this is what she wrote in her journal about her referral story...
Something just happened at my school, Kellybrook Elementary. It was math time. The class was doing math boxes when I hear a **DING**. I hear a voice that sounded like a woman saying, "Emilie Hubbard to the office please." As I ran in the hallway, very anxious and unaware of what was going to happen, all I could hear was my own two feet **click clack clickety clack**. When I got to the office I saw my parents. I didn't know if to think I wasn't in trouble OR maybe I was in SO much trouble they called my parents! My mom handed me a lime green bag. I didn't know what it was for until I looked inside. Then I started to cry. I saw my little brother. I prayed for him and there he was in the picture. I was so happy I cried. I bawled my eyes out.
My Mom explained that his real name was ******* but soon will be Elijah. Elijah the four month old. Elijah from Ethiopia. Elijah my little adopted brother with brown eyes and the cutest heart lips.
He will be with us soon. God bless his little heart. I will love him. He himself will be the biggest treasure of all. God will help you too. You just have to pray. Now I have an answered prayer.
***Could I have said this any better? I never asked the kids what they thought when we told them so I was quite surprised to read this in Emilie's writing journal for school.
Hope you all have had a blessed Sunday!
***If you BELIEVE you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matt. 21:22
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Our little guy is 5 months old today. I wonder what he is doing?? What are the things they should be doing? Can he roll over...reach out and grasp at things...babble and coo??? I have been thinking a lot about that lately. I know, from others who have been there, that he is being well taken care of and loved. I guess I just feel like it should be Mommy every night I ask God to give him a big hug for me and let him know that Mommy and Daddy are doing there best to get to him as soon as we are allowed!
We did get some news...after making an appt to see why we still have not heard about our fingerprints, we found out they had been sent Sept 18th. we never got anything. They printed off a copy for us and so we have a new exp. date and I will check in another week or so to make sure they were cabled to Ethiopia. more thing checked. PTL!!!!
Also...I have the flu!! YUCK- Yesterday was is a little better. So far the oatmeal has stayed down... My question is...I am the one who is home most every day all day and I am the first one in our household to get it!!! UUGH-
Hope we get some good news today or tomorrow for all of those who are waiting on something!! Or even for those who just need some good news- :)
***Lord, You have promised to protect me, and I will trust You. Today, I will live courageously as I place my hopes, my faith, and my life in Your hands. Let my life be a testimony to the transforming power of Your love, Your grace, Your Son. AMEN
We did get some news...after making an appt to see why we still have not heard about our fingerprints, we found out they had been sent Sept 18th. we never got anything. They printed off a copy for us and so we have a new exp. date and I will check in another week or so to make sure they were cabled to Ethiopia. more thing checked. PTL!!!!
Also...I have the flu!! YUCK- Yesterday was is a little better. So far the oatmeal has stayed down... My question is...I am the one who is home most every day all day and I am the first one in our household to get it!!! UUGH-
Hope we get some good news today or tomorrow for all of those who are waiting on something!! Or even for those who just need some good news- :)
***Lord, You have promised to protect me, and I will trust You. Today, I will live courageously as I place my hopes, my faith, and my life in Your hands. Let my life be a testimony to the transforming power of Your love, Your grace, Your Son. AMEN
Monday, October 12, 2009
WE ARE IN LINE FOR A COURT DATE... could take some time. We know we are in line for a court date and we know that there are about 18 total waiting on court dates. We know there are several in front of us and are hoping they are willing to take pics of our little guy for us as we continue our wait. We are still praying for a date soon but know that most likely we will not be traveling until after Christmas. We are still praying for a Christmas miracle but are trying to leave it in God' hands where it belongs.
Saturday hubby decided to surprise me with a date night. Randy was here to watch Emilie and so it was very nice. We just went to a early evening matinee but it has been a long time since we have been to the movies. It is much cheaper to just do Netflix or order on pay-per-view!! SO...we skipped dinner and just did a movie. It was nice just the two of us and only 3 other people in the theatre as well.
Sunday was Church and then home. I was not feeling 100% so I took a nap after feeding the kids and ironing Randy's uniform for work. I did feel better when I woke up. Sometimes life just gets to you and you need to sleep it off! I think it was just some anxiety the night before and I did not sleep well so...
I am praying this is a good week for many!
***Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philipians 4:6-7
Saturday hubby decided to surprise me with a date night. Randy was here to watch Emilie and so it was very nice. We just went to a early evening matinee but it has been a long time since we have been to the movies. It is much cheaper to just do Netflix or order on pay-per-view!! SO...we skipped dinner and just did a movie. It was nice just the two of us and only 3 other people in the theatre as well.
Sunday was Church and then home. I was not feeling 100% so I took a nap after feeding the kids and ironing Randy's uniform for work. I did feel better when I woke up. Sometimes life just gets to you and you need to sleep it off! I think it was just some anxiety the night before and I did not sleep well so...
I am praying this is a good week for many!
***Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philipians 4:6-7
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Well...Hubby and I have decided to get healthier. Last year we both did the "biggest loser" challenge with a group of friends. We both lost some weight but I lost quite a bit and have now gained all but 5 of it back!! UUUGH--. SO...we are just doing a short challenge between the two of us. The goal that has been set is he must lose 15 pounds by Thanksgiving and I am supposed to lose 10. NOW...we all know that men lose weight easier and it took me almost 7 months to lose 20 pounds so this is going to be a bit tough for me!! I am a stress (boredom) eater. I am going to have to get more active...NO FUN!!! Time for me to dust off the treadmill and get out the 3lb weights. Now...the prize...I am sure this will be hilarious to most BUT...the winner will be who gets to get there hands on Little Guy first when we meet him. :) TOO FUNNY!!! But for the last 3 years we have been discussing this... and having fun teasing each other about it. SO... we shall see how this goes. I would just love to fit comfortably into my winter clothes!!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Friday, October 9, 2009
2 WEEKS...
It has been 2 weeks since we have seen our little guy. I still stop and stare at his picture. I feel so blessed that he was chosen by God to be our little one. He is what we have been dreaming of for the last 2+ years! Looking forward to the day he is in our arms!!
Today Don and I spent part of the day together doing some shopping. First we headed to the bookstore for a book on bonding and attachment.**Must be prepared as best as I can!** :) Also, came across an adoptive baby book and a few other things we got to put back for Christmas! Then we headed to Children's Place (LOVE this store!!!). I wanted to return a pair of pants I had ordered for Little guy that I decided I didn't like. BUT...while I was going through my purse...I found a coupon for $20 off a $40 purchase. WOOHOO!!! We picked up 3 sleepers and 2 shirts for Emilie and 2 shirts for Miss Heidi. Spent $35 for all of that! YEAH!! Then we were still looking for a pair of brown fleece or jersey material pants for little guy (to match onsies I already have) so we went to Old Navy. Found them plus picked up a pr of black ones since it was 2 for 10. Then also got a few Christmas gifts that were 2/15!! Can't beat that! :) We went out to lunch together and then stopped at Lowe's and then to the Bible book store for a book for me to read. While there hubby saw they had Bibles on sale and knew I needed one that was LARGE print because I am going blind!!:) My eyesight is not the best and even worse if I don't wear my reading glasses, which I rarely do! SO...he got me a Bible and I picked up something for my secret sister! We are now home and resting!! It was a very fun day and now I have promised I will buy no more for the baby until after our baby shower the end of Nov.
We have most of the clothing we will need for travel for him. I had been buying things on clearance and we are sure he will be able to wear it at least for when we travel but probably not much after that if he has gotten too much bigger! I want him to have comfy clothes while we are there so it is mostly onsies and jersey or fleece pants and sleepers. We can do the cute stuff when we get home! :)
Still praying for our fingerprints to get here soon, along with some much anticipated court dates for several families! We could use some more referrals for those waiting as well!!
Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
***"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matt. 6:27
Today Don and I spent part of the day together doing some shopping. First we headed to the bookstore for a book on bonding and attachment.**Must be prepared as best as I can!** :) Also, came across an adoptive baby book and a few other things we got to put back for Christmas! Then we headed to Children's Place (LOVE this store!!!). I wanted to return a pair of pants I had ordered for Little guy that I decided I didn't like. BUT...while I was going through my purse...I found a coupon for $20 off a $40 purchase. WOOHOO!!! We picked up 3 sleepers and 2 shirts for Emilie and 2 shirts for Miss Heidi. Spent $35 for all of that! YEAH!! Then we were still looking for a pair of brown fleece or jersey material pants for little guy (to match onsies I already have) so we went to Old Navy. Found them plus picked up a pr of black ones since it was 2 for 10. Then also got a few Christmas gifts that were 2/15!! Can't beat that! :) We went out to lunch together and then stopped at Lowe's and then to the Bible book store for a book for me to read. While there hubby saw they had Bibles on sale and knew I needed one that was LARGE print because I am going blind!!:) My eyesight is not the best and even worse if I don't wear my reading glasses, which I rarely do! SO...he got me a Bible and I picked up something for my secret sister! We are now home and resting!! It was a very fun day and now I have promised I will buy no more for the baby until after our baby shower the end of Nov.
We have most of the clothing we will need for travel for him. I had been buying things on clearance and we are sure he will be able to wear it at least for when we travel but probably not much after that if he has gotten too much bigger! I want him to have comfy clothes while we are there so it is mostly onsies and jersey or fleece pants and sleepers. We can do the cute stuff when we get home! :)
Still praying for our fingerprints to get here soon, along with some much anticipated court dates for several families! We could use some more referrals for those waiting as well!!
Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend!
***"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matt. 6:27
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Yes...little guy does have a name. We have had this name for him for 6 years. I have not allowed myself to post his name because of the wait. But now I think it is ok...SO...Elijah is his "little guy's" name.
The afghan was made by a friend. We have had this rocker since our first child was born 19 years ago. I am thankful we will be using it for our 4th little one.
We each chose a scripture or saying that we wanted to put on his wall. That is what is above the doorways, windows, and on the mural wall. The beezzzz...are wood and I got them at he craft shop!

I got this throw on ebay (WOOHOO). I love how the above shelf turned out. BUT my favorite part of the room??? The mural wall... :)
Praying very hard for some court dates!! AND baby girl referrals...
Have a blessed day!
***For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does. Psalm 33:4
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
MORE NURSERY PICS... yesterday I planned on posting more of the furniture that the proud Daddy had made for our little guy. Then I realized that I almost posted a picture of our little guy!! AHHHHH--- SO...quickly I took that down and decided to leave the post as is for the day. :) After some cropping today I can post the other pictures. Here they are...
Don made the coat rack for him and I picked out drawer knobs as the hooks. I love the way it turned out. The cross hanging above it was given to me by Don for Christmas the first year we had been waiting! The antique looking pooh pics I got from ebay...Gotta love ebay! :) There is also a scripture card on one that recalls the scripture about faith as small as a mustard seed!
Here is the bookshelf. We are a huge reading family. Emilie donated some of these books plus when I quit teaching pre-K I took a lot of my books with me so he will have those as well. We also had to get him all of the Dr. Suess books. Gotta love Dr. Seuss!!:) Oh yes...Do you see the flannel shirt? We wanted to make him a quilt with different pieces of cloth that were given along with prayers, scriptures, and good wishes. I have yet to get it all together and find someone to do it for us! I need to get that done. Anyway...the flannel shirt is from my father in law.
I will post more on the mural tomorrow. I am having fun talking about his room!
Have a blessed day!!
***HIS words resound in our hearts, When the mountains look big and our faith seems small.
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matt. 17:20
Monday, October 5, 2009
SO...I told Don that I wanted some shelves in his room and I gave him ideas of what I wanted. This is what he built for our little guy...
Isn't it beautiful!! He has a great cubby. I was so impressed that I also asked him to make him a coat rack and bookshelf. I will post a picture of those later. Hope you are all having a blessed Monday. I am praying for great news on court dates to those who have been waiting SO LONG!!! More referrals would be wonderful too!!!
Have a blessed day,
***Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2
Friday, October 2, 2009
When I began deciding what to do in this nursery this time around I had 2 things I wanted to choose from. I either wanted a jungle theme or I wanted an antique "classic" winnie the pooh theme. I knew I wanted to do a mural on the wall as well. Well...Almost 3 years ago I was having a hard time finding Jungle theme bedding. YES...I know it is everywhere now...but Don refuses to let me change the room now! I went with the "classic" pooh bear.
The room is now complete minus some paint touch ups. I thought I would post one of the first pictures I took. I had just finished the mural minus putting the word hunny (supposed to be mispelled) on the honey pot. Disclaimer: I am NOT an artist...I just enjoy doing this for my kiddos. If you gave me a piece of paper and asked me to draw something...I would look at you like you were nuts! I can look at a picture and usually try to create it on my own. That is what I had done here. SO...Here it is!!
After I finished it and showed it to my hubby, he said...I hope it doesn't scare him! UUGH- I had really not thought about that. A huge bear on the wall...could be a bit scary.
I will take and post more pics of his room later. It really did turn out pretty cool.
There was another sibling referral this week! YAH--for all the recent good news...Now bring on some court dates...PLEASE...I know of many who have been waiting for a long time! Plus they could take pics for us.(selfish reason, I know!)
Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
***Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
The room is now complete minus some paint touch ups. I thought I would post one of the first pictures I took. I had just finished the mural minus putting the word hunny (supposed to be mispelled) on the honey pot. Disclaimer: I am NOT an artist...I just enjoy doing this for my kiddos. If you gave me a piece of paper and asked me to draw something...I would look at you like you were nuts! I can look at a picture and usually try to create it on my own. That is what I had done here. SO...Here it is!!
I will take and post more pics of his room later. It really did turn out pretty cool.
There was another sibling referral this week! YAH--for all the recent good news...Now bring on some court dates...PLEASE...I know of many who have been waiting for a long time! Plus they could take pics for us.(selfish reason, I know!)
Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
***Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Thursday, October 1, 2009
1 WEEK...
It has been one week since we received the referral of our little guy. We now will wait for our court date. I think the courts are still closed and don't expect we will hear anything until the end of Oct. We are trying to keep ourselves busy by preparing for our little guy. Oh...YES...and stop a lot just to stare at his photo! He is the cutest thing EVER!! :)
We went yesterday and registered at Babies r Us. That was fun! We had fun just checking out all of the new things since we had our last baby. We had already researched car seats and strollers so that was an easy pick. Other things we just selected.
We also did some Christmas pricing! The kids have already given us their lists and so we wanted to try and get a jump on that as well. We like getting it done as early as possible. We are not sure what the end of the year will bring so we want to be prepared.
Hope you all are enjoying your week!
***Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD is the one who goes before you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor forsake you. Deut. 31:8
We went yesterday and registered at Babies r Us. That was fun! We had fun just checking out all of the new things since we had our last baby. We had already researched car seats and strollers so that was an easy pick. Other things we just selected.
We also did some Christmas pricing! The kids have already given us their lists and so we wanted to try and get a jump on that as well. We like getting it done as early as possible. We are not sure what the end of the year will bring so we want to be prepared.
Hope you all are enjoying your week!
***Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD is the one who goes before you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor forsake you. Deut. 31:8
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