We spent a night away from home last Friday night to celebrate and just get away. As we were driving home I asked Don if 21 yrs ago he thought this is where we would be? He said well... :)
When we got married we both wanted 2 kiddos. Then we had 2 kiddos and I decided I wanted another one. It didn't take me long to convince Don that 3 kids would make our family complete. ;) And then several years later we felt God calling us to adopt and now here we are raising our 4th child. Are we done??? Well...I think I have learned not to say we are. We are praying and will see where God leads us.
We have had 21 years of adventure. Don told me when we got married that we would spend our first 3 years on an extended honeymoon in Germany. That is where we had our first child and we came back to the states expecting our 2nd! It was quite the honeymoon!! :)
We have had many ups and downs but we have always found a way to get through the tough times. Marriage is never easy and you have to be willing to fight for it. We have experienced many times apart (since he has been in the military/Guard) over the past 21 years. We have learned a lot about each other during those times as well. We try not to take things for granted (although, it does happen). We know life is not always what we expect BUT we are sure that after 21 years we are still in love.
He is certainly my knight in shining armor and I love him with everything I have in me. God brought him to me at the perfect time. I thank God daily for him.
Whew, twenty one years.. Congratulations. God is still good isn't he. I think I am all caught up. Sorry for being so disconected. I think nine is perhaps my quiver....Only God knows for sure!!!! So glad you are enjoying and praising God for the family he has blessed you with.
Blessing, Tiffany
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