We had a family birthday party on Mother's day. Today we plan on just enjoying the day at home with our boy. He will get a few gifts and we got him a cookie to enjoy. Here are a few pics to enjoy and I will post more pics in a few days of our day today.
He got several riding toys, some clothes, shoes, and a Cars chair. He likes to push his riding toys close to the tv and then watch his commercials and dance! I need to post a video, it is pretty funny! Many of his new toy make noise...and everyone knows how much I enjoy noisey toys (sarcasm!!!). I am known to take batteries out and tell the kids "so sorry but it must be broke!" :) I promise to not do this too soon!
Elijah is doing great! He is walking all over the place. He is not saying much. Ma and Dada is about it. He knows about 4 signs and uses them correctly most of the time. He has started pointing at things. *(The other day I went to get him up from a nap and he was standing up and pointing to his musical crib toy. I went to push the button for him (which he knows how to do) and it was going very slow. The batteries were running down and he was letting me know. TOO FUNNY! So...we sent Daddy right out for new batteries. This is his favorite thing and he listens and plays with it a lot. After I put batteries in it and turned it on for him he was so excited!* He weighs about 21/22 lbs. He goes back to the Dr in June for his next check-up and shots so we will see then.
I am constantly thinking and praying for Elijah's first Mommy. Yesterday, while we were at the store, a lady asked me where we got him from. I told her he was adopted from Ethiopia. She asked if he had any contact with family and I told her no. Then her comment caught me off guard...she said "I just don't know how people could do that." And...I just looked at her...as I walked away...I thought (and wished I had said it!) she did it because she loved him! I am not certain I will ever understand that love. I think of her all the time. I wonder how she is doing and if she thinks of us and Elijah. I am sure she does. I hope that the letter and pics we gave her
bring her peace and show her how thankful we are to her and how much we love and cherish this precious boy. I still struggle sometimes with the idea of thanking her for our son. Thank you just seems like it will never be enough!
Today we will celebrate and we will be thankful!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Birthday, Big Guy!!!!!
He is so cute!!! Happy birthday and happy mothers day.
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