Friday, September 12, 2008


So...we(hubby and I) are doing a biggest loser challenge with a group of friends. How fun! At first I was very skeptical because I have always been a little crazy about weight issues. BUT this has really been a good thing for me. I began losing some weight at the beginning of the summer and figured this was a way for me to continue to get healthy before our little guy comes!

SO...thanks to walking several times a week and eating things that are good for me and staying away from the fast food places I was the biggest loser this time. Granted I did not lose a major amount of weight but since it goes by percentage I won this time! I am so excited and feel like I can get to my goal!! I am loving walking with my very good friend. We chat the whole time and it makes the miles go faster!

Now I must continue and work hard for the next weigh in. I am meeting my friend in the morning for a walk...

Until later~

1 comment:

Sam's mom said...

YEAH Tina!! Congrats to you! How awesome. I too am trying to become the healthiest mom possible for Sam, and started this time last year w/ diet changes and in Jan w/ exercise. At first it happened really fast, but I'm in a platau phase which is frustrating (but I'm not gaining which is great.) I've lost 50 this year, but as you can see from my pictures on my blog I have MUCH more to lose than you. (I too have major eating/weight/body image issues so know how hard this can be.)
So congrats again for being such an awesome role model to your kids, including the baby to come!