Then later in the day we headed to my in-laws for the evening. There we enjoyed fried chicken. My mother-in-law makes the best fried chicken so we were all very happy and very stuffed when finished. We also celebrated my niece and brother in law's birthdays. Maggie will be 4 on the 10th. She is so sweet and I really enjoy my conversations with her. She actually played more with Elijah this time. It is tough sharing your Mammy and Happa, you know!
Elijah did well and even played in mud puddles while we were there. He was not real crazy about the fireworks. He didn't mind the single booms but the ones with several booms made him very unhappy! He finally crashed on me while the guys were shooting off the night time fireworks.
On the 4th we went to Church and then to our friend's house for dinner and more fireworks. We have gone to their house for the last few years. The boys are all in scouts together and they enjoy shooting off the fireworks. Unfortunately, our final display got rained out. Elijah was not unhappy about it. :)
Elijah Update: Elijah is doing great! We are still teaching him a few signs at a time. He has added drink, book, and snack. He is also saying up and all done. He just started going down the stairs on his own. I was in the restroom one day and put him in with Em for a few minutes, telling her to keep an eye on him. When I came out and started looking for him upstairs, I couldn't find him. Randy hollered from downstairs and said he was down there. I assumed Randy had gotten him. Then Randy said he found him playing in the living room when he came in from work. I freaked out a little. Then a few days later, I watched him to see how he was going down. He goes down on his bottom and scoots. I can't believe he is only 13 months and going up and down the stairs on his own. This boy amazes me. We weighed him and he is now 23lbs 2oz. So, He is also a BIG boy!
Here are some pics to enjoy!
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