Yesterday was Em's Birthday. I am having a hard time believing that my baby girl is 10. UUGH double digits! Emilie is one of our greatest joys and one of our biggest challenges as well. We had no problem getting pregnant with our first two children but for some reason as soon as we began wanting a third things did not go as well. After a few years of trying and sadness and A LOT of prayer we started a medication and were very blessed that it worked on the very first month we took it!!
Emilie was our first baby to be carried full term. She was born 1 day before her due date. She weighed 6lbs 14oz and was 18 inches long. She has been our little miracle baby from the beginning and for years would tell everyone that her Daddy called her his little miracle baby! It was cute.
The funny thing we like to say is we prayed so hard for her that God laughed and said ok but she will also be your challenge. I have spoken with many that say this about their third child. Emilie speaks her mind to EVERYONE!! Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes I want to crawl in a hole and hide!
I remember holding her for the first time and saying to her we have waited such a long time for you little girl! She was the easiest baby. Even in the hospital the nurses would get her out of her isolet just to hold her while she slept because she never cried. When we brought her home we had to set our alarm to wake her and feed her every 4 hours because she loved her sleep.
I am so blessed to be Emilie's Mom. She has taught me a lot and has made me a better Mom for our little guy that we will get someday!
We did the Birthday thing yesterday...we did lunch at her favorite place...Olive Garden and then to a movie...Space Chimps...then home to ride her new bike...then to Bible School...and home again for cake! She had a very busy day.
I love you baby girl!!!
Until later~
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