Monday, November 16, 2009


I am going to try and post all the things I am thankful for up to Thanksgiving Day. I wanted to start with a devotion that I read a few days ago.


The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious to you. Numbers 6:24-25

Have you counted you blessings lately? You should. Of course, God's gifts are too numerous to count, but as a grateful Christian,you should attempt to count then nonetheless. Your blessings include life, family, friends, talents, and possessions, for starters. And your greatest gift-a treasure that was paid for on the cross and is yours for the asking- is God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
As believing Christians, we have all been blessed beyond measure. Thus, thanksgiving should become a habit, a regular part of our daily routines. Today, let us pause and thank our Creator for His blessings. And let us demonstrate our gratitude to the Giver of all things good by using His gifts for the glory of His kingdom.

God is always far more willing to give us good things than we are anxious to have them.
Catherine Marshall

Have a blessed Monday!
**Congratulations for the referrals today!!
***Lord, You have given me so much, and I am thankful. I know that every good thing You give me is to be shared with others. I give thanks for Your gifts...and I will share them. AMEN

1 comment:

Sam's mom said...

Tina & Don -- I'm thankful for beautiful people like you and am hoping I can be thankful for a court date for you guys (want to hear about it before Thanksgiving!!!)