Friday, March 13, 2009

20 WEEKS...

I am amazed that we have actually been waiting 20 weeks. There are days when I wonder where the time has gone and others that I think it is just dragging by. I had one of those pity me days this week. I was so sad that our time has not come and things seem to be moving slowly right now and I need to prepare myself for not making the court closure!

I began once again to pray for peace. I petitioned my prayer warriors for the same. And the next day I was ok again. I know that God is able to make the impossible possible!! So...I will continue to pray for a referral and successful court date before the closure and if that is not God's will then I will suck it up and wait!

I think it is getting much harder for the kids as well and that is what makes me even sadder. Somedays I wish we had never said anything and just said "SURPRISE" when it happened. BUT our family had never worked like that. Don and I have always tried to include them in on the BIG decisions. They were so excited when we first mentioned adopting. Throughout these past 2 years they have had the same range of emotions as we have had. Randy, who really wants a brother, said to know another girl wouldn't be so bad if we could just get her NOW! :) TOO SWEET!!

I am also amazed at everyone around the US praying for referrals to come in. How awesome it is to know we are all praying for our "adoption buddies" to get court dates, referrals, paperwork, safe travels and many other things! I am sure God is listening and so excited that we are coming together to petition Him. I am very thankful for these people who without really knowing me can pray for me.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend. We have an event at Church on Saturday but otherwise a pretty quiet weekend. We get busy again next weekend!


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

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